AIT181 - Ataturk's Principles and Revolution History I
Basic Concept Knowledge, Ottoman Empire and its Decline, Tanzimat and Constitutional Monarchy Periods, Intellectual Movements in the Last Period of the Ottoman Empire, Tripoli War, Balkan Wars, First World War, Armistice of Mondros and Occupations, The Birth of the National Struggle Movement and National Organizations, Mustafa Kemal Pasha's Samsun and the situation in Anatolia, Amasya Circular, National Congresses, Declaration of Misak-ı Milli, Opening of the Grand National Assembly, War of Independence, Mudanya Armistice, Lausanne Peace Treaty.
IKT101- Introduction to Economics
Economics studies the efficient use of scarce resources to meet people's wants and needs, and the decisions and behavior of individuals. This course is an introduction to the basic principles of microeconomics, which analyzes the decisions and behavior of each unit of the economy (households, firms and government). It covers basic concepts of economics, market economy, supply, demand and price formation, elasticity, consumer and firm equilibrium, perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition and oligopoly markets, and factor pricing.
IKT103 - Mathematics for Economists
Real numbers and their properties, Exponential and rooted expressions, Polynomials, Linear and quadratic equations, Inequalities, quadratic inequalities, Absolute value, functions, simple graphs in the vertical coordinate system, Two linear equation systems with two unknowns and applications, Exponential and logarithmic functions, Limit and continuity Derivative and differentiation rules, Geometric interpretation of derivative, Derivatives of implicit functions, Higher order derivatives, Applications of derivative, Minimum-maximum problems, Application of minimum-maximum problem to economics, Asymptotes and graphical drawings, Uncertainties and L Hosbital rule
IKT105 - Basic Concepts of Law
The content of this course includes the definition of law from various perspectives, branches of law, positive law and its sources, legal relations, legal responsibility, legal problems and solutions.
IKT111 - Business Science
Introduction to business and business management. Classification of business with its objectives and other success criteria. Businesses as an open system and its introduction. What are the factors that make up the business. The relationship between business and external environment. Establishment studies, capacity utilization and growth of enterprises. Basic functions of business; Research and Development, Marketing, Financing, Production, Human Resources. Other functions of the business; Public Relations, Accounting and Supply issues in general.
IKT113 - General Accounting I
This course includes the relationship between accounting and other disciplines, accounting information users, basic concepts of accounting, accounting principles, proving documents, cash and cash equivalents, securities, trade receivables, trade receivables, other trade receivables and inventory transactions and the creation of a general trial balance.
YDL183 - Foreign Language I
The content of the course is designed to teach the basic grammar of the English language (such as articles, tenses, imperatives, pronouns and conjunctions), common vocabulary (such as daily routines, animals, common verbs and transport) and to enable students to understand A1 level reading and listening passages (such as introducing a friend and describing people).
TUR181 - Turkish Language I
What is language and culture, language-culture relationship, the place and importance of language in the life of a nation as a social institution, the position of Turkish language among the world languages, the development of Turkish language and its historical periods, the current status of Turkish language and its spreading areas, the phonetic features of Turkish and the rules related to phonetics, Turkish construction and inflectional affixes, Turkish word types and word groups, the elements of the sentence.
AIT182 - Ataturk's Principles and Revolution History II
Revolutions in the Political Field, Revolutions in the Field of Law, Revolutions in the Field of Education and Culture, Revolutions in the Economic Field, Revolutions in the Social Field, Atatürk's Principles, Atatürk's Turkish Foreign Policy, Turkey in the Second World War Years, Geopolitical Concept and Geopolitics of Turkey.
TUR182 - Turkish Language II
What is the sentence, what are the elements of the sentence, how a sentence should be analyzed and examples of sentence analysis, sentence types, general composition information, the plan to be used in written composition, what are the types of written and oral expression and their examples, forms of expression and what are the ways of developing thought in the paragraph, expression disorders and application, rules to be followed in the application of scientific writings.
YDL184 - Foreign Language II
The content of this course is designed as follows: "Adjectives and adverbs, relative clauses, adverbial clauses, pronouns, nouns, quantifiers, articles, articles, participles, tag questions, prepositions".
IKT102 - Introduction to Economics II
The production function and the law of variable rate of return, producer equilibrium and changes in equilibrium, production costs, perfect competition, monopoly, monopsony, monopsony, oligopoly and monopolistic competition and equilibrium in other markets, the market for factors of production, welfare economics and general equilibrium, externalities and public goods
IKT104 - Mathematics for Economists II
Concept of Differential / Infinite Series and Convergence / Taylor and Maclaurin Series / Partial Differentiation / Exact Differential / Double Integrals / First Order Differential Equations.
IKT112 - General Accounting II
This course includes the relationship between accounting and other disciplines, accounting information users, basic concepts of accounting, accounting principles, proving documents, cash and cash equivalents, securities, trade receivables, trade receivables, other trade receivables and inventory transactions and the creation of a general trial balance.
IKT114 - Behavioral Sciences
Perception: Definition of perception, formation process and organization, factors affecting perception, individuality in perception and perception errors, effects of perception on behavior, development of perception ability. Learning: Nature and definition of learning, stages of learning, learning theories, principles of learning, application of behavioral learning theories in organizations. Personality and Self: Concepts related to personality, definition and measurement of personality and evaluation of its characteristics through description and measurement, development and importance of self. Attitudes.
IKT116 - Introduction to Sociology
Explanation of the content and interconnection of basic sociological concepts, social phenomena and social institutions.
IKT205 - Statistics I
The concept and types of data, Graphical and tabular methods in organizing and summarizing data, Measures of location and distribution, Introduction to Probability, Special Discrete Probability Distributions: Binomial, Poisson, Negative Binomial, Hypergeometric, Geometric, Special Continuous Distributions: Exponential Distribution, Normal Distribution
IKT207 - History of Economics
Characteristics of economic history, fields of study, the economic structures of ancient societies, the Roman Empire, the world economy in the feudal period, the characteristics of feudalism as an economic structure, geographical discoveries, the price revolution, the development of international trade, the industrial revolution and the impact of World Wars I and II on the world economy, the relationship between intellectual developments such as Protestantism, positivism and the Renaissance and economic history and economic structures of societies.
IKT223 - Microeconomics I
This course covers intermediate microeconomic theory and practice. Consumer theory will be studied in detail. Topics include: budget constraint, preferences, utility, choice, demand, Slutsky equation, buying and selling, consumer surplus, market demand, and market equilibrium.
IKT225 - Macroeconomics I
National accounting system, real and nominal GNP, inflation and unemployment, micro foundations of macroeconomics, monetary policy, closed and open simple Keynesian models, closed and open IS-LM models, aggregate demand-aggregate supply model, theories of business cycles, growth theories
IKT229 - Law of Obligations
In this course, debt-contract sources, torts and unjust enrichment are examined. Under the title of contract, issues such as contract definition, types, form and termination are explained. As the second type of debt source, torts, their conditions and statute of limitations will be discussed. As the third and last source of debt, unjust enrichment and its conditions will be emphasized.
IKT235 - Regional Economics
An economic approach to the study of regions and communities; tools of regional analysis; current debates on economic development and the motivation to study economic issues in a local context; implications for the global economy and regional development.
IKT237 - Public Finance
The importance of the public sector and the reasons for the intervention of the state in the economy, welfare economics, measurement of welfare with various approaches, full and semi-public goods, public preferences, bureaucracy, externalities, analysis of public expenditures, cost-benefit analysis, public expenditures in Turkey, failure of the market mechanism, general equilibrium and partial equilibrium analysis of the production of public goods, public revenues, classification of taxes.
IKT206 - Statistics II
Sampling and sampling methods, Statistical estimation (point and interval estimation), hypothesis testing, chi-square tests, simple linear regression analysis, analysis of variance
IKT222 - History of Turkish Economy
In the content of the course, firstly the methodology of economics, history and society will be explained and then the economic life of Anatolia, Mesopotamia and Islamic geography and the Great Seljuk State and Anatolian Seljuk State will be mentioned. In the remaining part of the course, the Ottoman Economy will be examined in general terms. In this context, the social structure of the Ottoman Economy, its financial structure, the functioning of the fief and foundation systems, production, transportation and trade opportunities, money, financing and the structure of artisan unions will be discussed. In the last part of the course, the market and price dynamics of the Ottoman Economy and working life will be explained.
IKT230 - Macroeconomics II
Comparative macroeconomic theories (classical macro theory, Keynesian macro theory, monetarist macro theory, new classical macro theory, real business cycle theory, new Keynesian macro theory, other macroeconomic schools)
IKT242 - Microeconomics II
This course focuses on the supply side of the market. The lectures start with the basic actions of the firm, profit maximization, followed by the derivation of the production-dependent cost function through cost minimization. Based on these results, the behavior of the firm in different market structures is examined. We begin by examining the behavior in perfectly competitive and monopolistic markets. Following this, monopolistic competition and oligopolistic market structures are analyzed. An introduction to basic game theory is included in order to analyze strategic relationships between firms in oligopolistic market structures.
IKT234 - Entrepreneurship
Throughout the course, it is aimed to understand how to start a new business and the critical decisions and managerial requirements once the business is established.
IKT238 - Commercial Law
The concept of commercial law, the concept of commercial enterprise, commercial business, commercial judgment and commercial judgment, the concept of merchant, merchant assistants, trade registry, trade name and business name, trademark, unfair competition, commercial books, negotiable instruments law, bills of exchange, corporate law.
IKT240 - Information Economics
Agricultural society and economic developments in agricultural society, industrial society and economic developments in industrial society, information society and economic developments in information society, comparative analysis of sectors in technological, economic, social and political terms
IKT323 - Econometrics I
Introducing the linear multiple regression model, inference, hypothesis testing; and the use of maximum likelihood methods and examples from economics and the application of these concepts to economic problems will be emphasized. The course covers Gauss-Markov assumptions and what to do in case of violations of assumptions such as varying variance, serial correlation and error variables.
IKT325 - History of Economic Thoughts
This course constitutes one of the most important areas of economics, as it deals with current economic trends from a historical perspective and explains the stages through which they have passed until today. In this course, the development of economics will be evaluated by focusing on methodological and analytical questions in the historical process and by considering alternatives to mainstream economic thought. First, the historical development of the market system will be analyzed by drawing a general framework that examines the dynamic relationship between the theories. Then, each school of thought will be discussed in chronological order.
IKT327 - Monetary Theory and Policy I
This course focuses on the theoretical and empirical analysis of the macroeconomic effects of money. The effects of variables such as money, credit and liquidity on income, employment, economic growth and inflation will be analyzed. The objectives of monetary policy, the methods used to achieve these objectives and the effects of these methods will be discussed. The functioning of monetary policy in the international financial system; the link between the financial system and the real economy; the channels of monetary policy (money, bank credit and balance sheet channels); and the causes and consequences of inflation are among the topics covered.
IKT329 - Mathematical Economics
Algebra and basic calculus will be used in this course. The course will focus on the following topics: static analysis, matrix algebra and linear models, comparative static models, optimization.
IKT331 - Cost Accounting
In the course, the basic concepts of cost accounting will be explained. Classification of expenses, explanation of the concepts of expense, cost, loss, cost elements and cost of goods produced will be examined, stage and order costing techniques will be explained.
IKT333 - Crisis Economics
Overview of World Economy, Crisis Management, Effects of International Institutions on Crises, Crisis indicators.
IKT337 - Constitutional Law
In this course, an introduction will be made with the basic concepts of constitutional law and general information about constitutional theory, the points where constitutional law merges and diverges with other disciplines of legal science will be explained, the types of constitutions, the relationship and differences between the constitutional state and the constitutional state, the constitutional developments in the process from the constitutional state to the state of law will be covered comparatively by giving examples from the constitutional history of different countries, and various classifications arising from the making and application of constitutions will be emphasized.
IKT339 - Professional Foreign Language I
Basic concepts of economics, Basic concepts of microeconomics, Producer and consumer equilibrium, Perfect competition market, Imperfect competition markets, Factor markets, Basic concepts of macroeconomics, Equilibrium in goods and money markets, Some comparisons of macroeconomic theories, Economic crises and economic policy, Financial markets and institutions, International finance and monetary policy
IKT304 - Economic Development and Growth
Solow framework, Transitional period dynamics, Steady state, Cases/assumptions that violate neoclassical assumptions, Ramsey framework, Intertemporal substitution, saving consumption trade-off.
IKT308 - Welfare Economics
This course provides an up-to-date comparative and theoretical framework on the process of economic development. Thus, students will be able to analyze in detail key issues such as saving and investment, poverty and inequality, migration, the informal sector, externalities, the environment, human capital and corporate governance.
IKT324 - Econometrics II
Detection, impact and elimination of variance problem, detection, impact and elimination of autocorrelation problem, lagged regression models, simultaneous equation systems, stationarity tests, co-integration tests, causality tests and error correction model.
IKT326 - Monetary Theory and Policy II
Introduction (why are we studying money, what is money?, definition and functions of money) , financial system (financial markets, structure, instruments and functions, financial institutions) , financial sector in Turkey (central bank, deposit banks, investment and development banks, insurance companies, credit cooperatives etc.) ) , money supply (definitions of money supply and the role of the central bank, dematerialized money growth and the mechanism of money growth, money multiplier and its determinants) , money demand (Quantity Theory of Money, Cambridge Approach, Keynes' Liquidity Preference Theory, Friedman's Modern Quantity Theory, Neo Keynesian theories of money demand, empirical evidence on money demand) , general structure of monetary policy (objectives of monetary policy, instruments of monetary policy: reserve requirement ratio, rediscount rate, open market operations, interest rate, selective credit control) , monetary policy strategies (role of nominal anchor, exchange rate targeting, monetary targeting, inflation targeting, monetary policy practices in Turkey) , monetary and fiscal policies (real and monetary sectors, IS-LM analysis), transmission mechanism of monetary policy.
IKT328 - Labor and Social Security Law
Factors affecting the value of stocks and bonds. Theoretical and practical methods used in the valuation of securities. Price/earnings coefficient. Sources of systematic risk and unsystematic risk. Portfolio investment and evaluation methods. Financial assets pricing model.
IKT330 - Professional Foreign Language II
Basic concepts of economic integration theory, Basic concepts of international economic organizations.
IKT332 - Competition Theory and Policy
Firm Income in Perfect Competition Market, Profit Maximization, Optimum Production Level, short-run decision, long-run decision, short-run equilibrium, long-run equilibrium etc. will be discussed.
IKT336 - Sociology of Economics
The aim and subject of economic sociology and the emergence and development of economic thought in the east and west, the phases of economic thought in ancient Greece, feudalism and industrial societies and the movements representing these phases constitute the content of the course. In addition, globalization and its effects and current issues such as poverty, informal economy, entrepreneurship, etc. are also covered in the course.
IKT334 - Industrial Economics
In this course, the Industrial Revolution, the concept of industry, types of industry, industrial economics, characteristics of industrial economics, principles, the development of industrial economics in our country, the situation in the world, etc. issues will be examined.
IKT401 - International Economics I
In this course, foreign trade theories and foreign trade policies will be discussed. In this framework, Classical trade theories, Neoclassical trade theories, Heckscher-Ohlin analysis, trade policies, protectionism and political economy will be examined. In addition, the effects of tariffs, non-tariff barriers and quotas will be emphasized. Topics such as economic integration and foreign trade in developing countries will also be covered in this course.
IKT403 - Applied Econometrics
Nonlinear Regression Models, Qualitative Regression Models, Panel Data Regression Models, Dynamic Econometric Models, Simultaneous Equation Model, Identification Problem, Simultaneous Equation Methods, Time Series Econometrics: Some Basic Concepts and Forecasting.
IKT405 - Economic Policy
It is an information system that introduces the types, structures, functioning mechanisms of national, regional and international financial markets, their effects on firm and country economies, the main financial instruments traded in these markets and the main financial institutions.
IKT407 - Studies in Topics Related to Economics I
This course enables the student to conduct independent research on a topic regularly developed under the supervision of the instructor. The course teaches the basics of developing an appropriate research question, choosing a methodology, structuring the research project, formatting the paper and presenting it to an audience. The course content consists of regular evaluation of the student's reports and submission and presentation of the finished project at the end of the semester.
IKT409 - Political Economy of Globalization
Analysis of the changes in today's global economy. A close look at global trade, finance and production networks. An examination of the changing role of the state and global institutions in this process.
IKT411 - Turkish Tax System
To give theoretical and up-to-date information about income, corporate, real estate tax, VAT and SCT, to practice income and corporate tax, to fill out declarations.
IKT413 - Money and Capital Markets
Capital markets, instruments, institutions, transactions, stock exchanges, ISE, indices, bond analysis, stock analysis, fundamental analysis, technical analysis, market efficiency analysis, portfolio analysis, portfolio performance measurement.
IKT415 - Fiscal Policy
The concept of Finance, Public Finance, The Concept of Equilibrium in Neo - classical Theory, The Causes of Economic Instabilities Today, Expansionary Effects of Public Expenditures, Contractionary Effects of Public Income System, Multiplier Models, IS - LM Models, Public Borrowing and Debt Management, Open Economy Model etc. topics will be covered.
IKT402 - International Economics II
This course introduces students to the basic principles of international monetary economics. It examines the relationships between economic variables and international transactions from a macroeconomic framework. The course is built on three main topics. The first part deals with the foundations of international monetary economics, the second part with macroeconomic policies in open economies and the last part with international monetary agreements. In addition, balance of payments, foreign exchange markets, international financial markets and instruments, fixed and floating exchange rate systems and international monetary systems will be examined.
IKT408 - Studies in Topics Related to Economics II
This course enables the student to conduct independent research on a topic regularly developed under the supervision of the instructor. The course teaches the basics of developing an appropriate research question, choosing a methodology, structuring the research project, formatting the paper and presenting it to an audience. The course content consists of regular evaluation of the student's reports and submission and presentation of the finished project at the end of the semester.
IKT426 – Economy of Türkiye
The course provides a historical, institutional and structural framework for students to analyze the main characteristics of the current problems of the Turkish economy. In this sense, processes and concepts such as national economy, statism, liberal adjustment, import substitution period, open capital dominance period, financialization and hot money dominance will be discussed in detail.
IKT428 - Theory of Business Cycles
In the fourteen-week course, firstly, the growth and distribution dynamics of the global economy with the Industrial Revolution will be covered, and then the characteristics of business cycle theories will be examined. In the third part of the course, the economic policy effectiveness of various schools will be explained.
IKT414 - Analysis of Investment Projects
Project types, development of investment projects, economic and financial evaluation, risk in fixed investment projects, inflation effects, financing and lending of investments, evaluation techniques of investment projects.
IKT416 - Foreign Trade
Foreign trade theories and basic concepts, historical development of foreign trade, local trade foreign trade difference, delivery in foreign trade, documents used in foreign trade will be examined.
IKT420 - Current Economic Problems of Turkey
In this course, the structural features of the Turkish economy will be discussed. The economic problems experienced will be analyzed in depth by periods. These problems and processes consist of main topics such as uneven growth performance, credit markets, employment and unemployment, informal sector, industrialization, privatization, corporate finance, international economy, crises and EU accession.
IKT422 - Sign Language
The content of this course consists of basic communication topics in Turkish Sign Language.
IKT424 - Economic Integration and the European Union
Economic Integration Theory, History, Common Policies, Monetary Union, Decision Making Process, Institutional Structure, Budget, Relations with Non-Member Countries and Regions.